Postural Asymmetries & Scoliosis (1 mar) by Jillian Hessel
One of Joseph Pilates’ goals was “the uniform muscular development of the body.” But, how do you design a Pilates program for clients with pronounced muscular asymmetries and imbalances? Often, the imbalances are so severe that many of the traditional, bilateral Pilates exercises only serve to further strengthen the musculature that is already overdeveloped on these asymmetrical bodies.
Key Highlights of workshop
- Introduction to the “asymmetrical conundrum.”
- Learn many unilateral exercises on the Cadillac, Reformer, Step Barrel, and Wunda Chair that can be used to “wake up” weak, underused muscles, mobilize stiff joints and help to realign the asymmetrical body.
- Learn unilateral exercises, as well as the utilization of props and specific cueing that can help to “reprogram” muscle recruitment and client proprioception, resulting in improved posture, reduced pain, and increased range of joint motion.