Spine Articulation: Head to Tail (3 mar) by Pat Guyton


3 March (Sun)   1.30pm to 4pm

19 in stock

SKU: PG-A2 Category:


“You are only as young as your spine is flexible.”  Joe Pilates

For the spine to be flexible, strong, and adaptable in motion, each joint must be able to move in the range of motion that is appropriate for that segment and to coordinate with every other joint in the spine.  Articulation of the spine includes the sacrococcygeal joint. It also includes the connection of the cervical spine and the occiput.  Often these connections are not embodied in the movement. Pilates teachers can teach healthy articulation that includes these segments. This experience will create profound changes with simple anatomical based cues and motivation applied to Pilates exercises. The exercises selected can be taught in your studio for the beginning student, given for home exercise or to enable the skilled student go deeper into embodiment of the advanced exercises on mat and equipment.


Key Highlights of workshop

  • Learn the skeletal structure of the spine.
  • Learn how to mobilise and articulate each joint of the spine in sync with muscles.
  • Learn how correct articulations of the spine can help strengthen and increase flexibility of the spine to reduce spinal injuries.
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